June 5

Networking events are a waste of time


How many business cards have you collected at networking events that you’ve never done anything with?

And if we take that a step further, how many networking events have you gone to that have felt completely transactional?

You don’t learn anything new, the connections you make don’t go anywhere, and it all feels like a big old waste of your energy.

I know this might seem confusing and perhaps a little counterintuitive (especially coming from an avid networker myself). I want to challenge the traditional notion that networking events are necessary for business success.

Quality over Quantity

Traditional networking events often push quantity over quality. The pressure to collect a stack of business cards creates shallow connections. It becomes an exercise of how many people you can meet for fear of not getting to that one person who could be instrumental to your business.

Building a Strong Inner Circle

Instead, I want to focus on building a strong inner circle, a tight-knit group of 4 ideal people. This might sound small, but it’s incredibly powerful. Here’s why:

  • Time Investment: A smaller network frees up time and energy for deeper connections.
  • Meaningful Relationships: Focus on quality over quantity. Invest in cultivating authentic relationships with those who truly matter.
  • Be Yourself: With a smaller network, you can be your true, authentic self.

The Magic Four

So, who should be in your inner circle? Here are the four key players:

  • The Teacher: This person stretches your thinking and helps you build your competitive edge.
  • The Promoter: Your biggest cheerleader, pushing you towards your goals and believing in you more than you believe in yourself.
  • The Pit Crew: Your unwavering support system, keeping you grounded and present.
  • The Butt Kicker: Holds you accountable and keeps you focused on achieving your goals.

Building Genuine Connections

Here are my top 3 tips for building a quality network:

  • The “Thank You For” Approach: When reaching out to someone after an event, use the “thank you for” approach. Highlight something specific you appreciated about their work.
  • Be the Little Fish: Step outside your comfort zone! Seek out opportunities where you’re the “small fish” again, surrounded by people who can push you to grow.
  • Conscious Connections: Audit your network and see where the gaps are. Start connecting with people you want to be part of your life’s next chapter.

Remember, quality over quantity! A strong inner circle is the key to building a powerful network that fuels your business growth.

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