October 2

Why Not Do It Properly?


Do you ever feel like the moment September arrives, Christmas is suddenly staring you in the face? It’s like the end of the year speeds up, and everything becomes a whirlwind. Overwhelm creeps in, and keeping pace feels like an impossible task.

Last year, I saw a Christmas tree that seemed to have been caught off guard by this time of year too! It was one of those trees that made you stop, laugh, and question what went wrong. My kids and I dubbed it the worst Christmas tree…ever! Below is a photo -prepare yourself for a giggle.

Now, while the tree was a beautiful pine, it wasn’t the tree that missed the mark – it was the lack of effort in decorating that left it looking more sad than festive. And that made me think, if you’re going to do something, why not do it properly?

In business, I see this all the time. We coast through the final months of the year, waiting for the holidays or the new year to ‘get back on top of things,’ when deep down we know we could be doing more. How often do you find yourself putting off those important tasks – the ones you know will grow your business – because they feel too big, too hard, or just too scary? You half-heartedly try, but it doesn’t work, and then you brush it off, telling yourself, “Well, I didn’t really give it my all, so it doesn’t matter.”

But you and I both know that doesn’t sit well. If you’re serious about growing your business, you don’t want to keep settling for mediocre, half-baked attempts. So, how do you push past the overwhelm, the procrastination, and the excuses to give your business – and yourself – the attention it deserves?

Here are 3 simple steps to shift from stuck to thriving:

  1. Get clear on your “Why”
    Ask yourself: Why am I doing this? Is it for your family, your legacy, or perhaps to create freedom in your life? Whatever your reason, get super clear on it, because it’s your driving force. Then take 10 minutes and write down what success looks like when you’re aligned with that why. Trust me, it’s clarity that will get you out of bed each morning ready to take action.
  2. Surround yourself with the right people
    You don’t need to do this alone. I always say, success is a team sport, and it’s so much easier when you have the right people in your corner. If you’ve been struggling to find your ‘tribe’ of supporters, consider this your invitation. My Elevate community is opening 5 exclusive spots this October for women ready to attract 5 new prospects and 1 new client before the year’s end. If that sounds like you, reply with “ELEVATE,” and let’s make sure you finish the year stronger than ever.
  3. Do the work (and make it count)
    We can talk strategy all day, but nothing changes until you take action. Block out time in your calendar, break down your big tasks into manageable chunks, and then focus. Don’t just ‘work hard’ – work on the right things. Remember, 20% of your effort will bring 80% of your results, so double down on what truly matters and watch your goals come to life.

Here’s the thing: no one wants to be the forgotten Christmas tree in the corner – untouched, unloved, and unappreciated. The good news? With just a little focus and intention, you can make your business shine as brightly as you know it can.

So, where are you going to focus your effort today?

Janine x


Blog, business mentor, Janine Garner, networking, women in business

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