January 14

Step Into Your Own Spotlight!


SpotlightOften, instead of being centre stage in our own business productions, we find ourselves playing the supporting roles.

Building other people’s businesses; raising other people’s profiles; offering connections, introductions – giving much of our own time and expertise in order to drive sales and success for our friends and associates.

The trouble is, nobody gives out a Best Business Oscar for Putting Others Before Ourselves and Ultimately Not Doing As Well As We Could As A Result.

It’s an admirable quality to help and to mentor other business women and men of worth. But to do that truly effectively, and from a place of strength, you need to own your own achievements first.

You need to stop hiding in the wings, and step into the achievement spotlight.

Start promoting yourself. Don’t be afraid to emphasise your strengths, what you add in terms of value – and most importantly your point of difference. In an authentic, realistic way, tell the world what makes you unique. Use what sets you apart as an effective marketing tool.

Social media is the 21st century weapon of choice of screen stars – let it help you to shine equally as brightly.

The business landscape is rapidly evolving and you need to make sure that you are evolving with it. Don’t be afraid to self-promote, because when it comes down to it, who knows your message best? You. And much as it is important to be there for those who will be there for you as your business grows, it’s time to slap on the greasepaint and get ready to step into your own spotlight. You need to be the leading lady. It’s your time to walk the red carpet of success.

Whatever you do, don’t think of this as selfish. There is nothing wrong with making your own profile, or your own brand, as strong as you possibly can. Because it is only when you are operating from that position of leadership that you can truly give to other people. It is in fact the opposite of selfish to want to achieve your goals – it is self-care. And those in your life who don’t understand this perhaps shouldn’t be a part of your personal production. Make sure you bear this in mind when you are doing your final cast list.

Lights. Camera. Action.



Janine Garner, Janine's Words of Wisdom, LBDG, Ownership, spotlight, Success, The Little Black Blog

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