May 15

Niche Is A Dirty Word


Niche is a dirty word

When it comes to business advice, one word often gets thrown around like the holy grail: niche.It’s supposed to be the key to success, the magic formula that unlocks endless streams of clients and profits.

But what if I told you that “niche” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be?

Let’s face it: niche is a dirty word for many of us. Just like how some people shudder at the thought of networking or sales, I vomit in my mouth at the mention of niche. Why? Because it’s often misunderstood and misapplied. And too many times I’ve seen people getting stuck on what their niche should be and it leaves them stagnant in their business for months or years.

Instead of focusing on what truly matters – our passion, expertise, and the people we love working with – we’re told to narrow down our target market based on commercial viability. But here’s the thing:

When we prioritise commercial potential over alignment with our values and strengths, we risk losing sight of what makes us unique.

In the first module of my Elevate program, I challenge this notion of niche. I start by asking a different question:

Who do you love working with?

It’s not about pigeonholing yourself into a narrow niche; it’s about celebrating your uniqueness and attracting clients who resonate and align with your values.

By shifting the conversation from niche to ideal clients, we empower our clients to connect with the people who truly appreciate their genius.

This approach not only fosters deeper relationships but also leads to natural niche discovery. As we engage with our ideal clients, we uncover common themes and preferences that guide us toward a more defined focus.

But here’s the real perspective change… discovering your ideal clients and refining your niche is a journey, not a destination. It’s okay to take your time and explore different avenues. As your business evolves and your product stack develops, your client base may change too. And that’s perfectly normal.

However, if you do want to kickstart your journey and secure more of your ideal clients each month then why not join us in June? I’m hosting our first in-person Elevate mastermind of 2024 on 20th June.

That means meeting some of the amazing women behind my client testimonials, sharing thoughts and strategising together, and spending a day with me to focus on your business and get set for the second half of the year. It will be held at the stunning Ovolo Hotel in Woolloomooloo, Sydney, and will be fully catered so that you can relax and focus on what’s important during the day.

I have 10 guest tickets available.  If you’d like to join us reply to this email with ‘JUNE’ and I’ll forward more details.

Who knows this could be your ticket to working with more clients you love and never having to worry about the word niche again.


Business, Collaboration, Janine Garner, women in business

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