September 21

Janine Garner, Be Brilliant – InnovaBuzz 327


Janine Garner, Be Brilliant

In this episode, I’m really excited to have as my guest, Janine Garner, the best-selling author of It’s Who You Know, From Me to We and her latest book Be Brilliant – How to Lead a Life of Influence. Over the past two decades, Janine has worked with thousands of high-profile leaders and helped countless of Australia’s top 50 ASX companies and multinationals.

Janine is a global thought leader on powerful networking, collaboration and leadership. She is passionate about building high performing leaders and teams and bringing brilliant people together to achieve remarkable results.

In our discussion, Janine and I talked about:

  • How we all already have everything within us to be brilliant – we just need to be brave enough to unleash it
  • Reframing by asking what problem do I solve
  • Curiosity outside of our comfort zone and connecting the dots

Oscar Trimboli in episode 168 introduced us to Janine.

Listen to the podcast to find out more.

Listen to the Podcast

  • When you build incredible connections, incredible things happen.
  • Connecting with like-minded thinkers encourages us to collaborate with a dream of mutual success.
  • We all have the capability to become extraordinary humans of incredible potential if we can unlock our own brilliance and if we can learn to connect and collaborate in the right way, without fear of showing our full selves.
  • The only thing that you can ever control is yourself – who you are being, the impact you are making, and ultimately, what you want to become, and owning those dreams again.
  • Those who achieve more are no different than you. They have the same challenges and lack of self-belief. They worry about impostor syndrome, but they worked their way out of all those.
  • Self-belief and the vision to do more, that hunger to relentlessly pursue your dreams, is where the difference happens.
  • Take the time to reflect, percolate, and consider. Really think about where you want to be. Take ownership of the action you want to take and the behaviour you want to be seen.
  • There are two barriers to brilliance – fatigue and the epidemic of blame-itis.
  • Brilliance is a choice. It is a practice and is very much a discipline. No one can do it for you. You also need support – you need to have a network.
  • Brilliance starts and ends with you – who are you being and who do you want to become? It’s about owning your dreams and expertise so that you can step forward.
  • All of us have a particular hunger that drives us. You are either driven by the need of power, a need for ego, or a need for intimacy.
  • Slow down and reflect on what do you want to take ownership of. Everything requires you to do that whether it be in your business, in conflicts, and failures. Taking ownership empowers you to make the next decision.
  • There’s a difference between transactional connection and transformational connection. Connection is not just about people. It is also connecting the dots of your skills and people to find collaborative opportunities.
  • The world is asking us to trust our intuition now more than ever and inspire others.
  • The only thing that you have to do is to own yourself. You have to be more brilliant. You need to become this human of extraordinary potential.
  • You have to be exceptional to undertake any meaningful endeavor. If you are in any way doubting yourself, beating yourself up for what you don’t have, and blaming other people for your lack of progress, you will end up being stuck.
  • Start tapping into what you already have and unleash that brilliance. The more that you do that for yourself, the more you create the opportunity for the people around you to become more brilliant too.
  • Business has and will always be about people.
  • Thinking is where the magic is. The diversity of ideas, experiences, backgrounds, and cultural heritage of an industry is where the answers are. It is what drives human challenge.
  • Be braver. Be prepared to leave that baggage behind and re-challenge what you think.
  • The things that get in the way of innovation are ourselves and our pre-determined judgement.
  • The Four Laws of Brilliance:
    1. Be YOU and own your spotlight – unless you have connected with yourself, it’s impossible to bring your whole self into how you connect and lead others. Start building your self-belief and visibility in the marketplace. Quit hiding and let people see who you really are, your expertise, and your vision for the future.
    2. Are you ready? – harness your energy and adopt the right habits and behaviours to ensure that you are time-rich and thriving versus time-poor and surviving.
    3. Move from this place of “ME” into an inclusive and collaborative space of “WE” – connect with intent. No one can be successful on their own. Think about how you can build an incredible network of support around you.
    4. Magnify your impact – lead instead of keeping ideas to yourself. Amplify your vision and the people around you.
  • It is through the mastery and continual evolution, growth, and reflection, that you become better.
  • Being brilliant is all about conquering yourself and continuously being brave and curious enough to look into yourself in terms of what you need to do to become a better person and help others shine even brighter too.
  • Companies always own jobs but you own your career. No one can ever take away your experience. You have to own that career, your skills, and your expertise. You have to own who you are being and who you want to become. It is not up to the company to manage your career, it is up to you so own your brilliance!
  • As we get older, the opportunity to reflect on our failures and share those with other people is phenomenal. Part of our responsibility is to share our mistakes with other people so that they can learn too.

Source : Innovabiz

Issued : September 16, 2020


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