September 5

A New Look For A New Season


Spring is here – so we decided that the LBDG image needed to move with the season and have a small makeover. Nothing too drastic; we just wanted to offer you, our amazing and inspiring members – and those who are attracted to the wonderful network of women that make up The Little Black Dress Group – a little more from your website.

As we move forward, you will be able to access more information, more easily; the Members’ Lounge will be undergoing a re-vamp – and there will be great links to information that as women of import and strength you need in order to continue to strive and succeed.

I hope you enjoy our new content as we develop it. And I welcome your feedback – it’s a learning process for us all, especially me!

Remember our new thought; we are women of integrity in business who know what it means to live the phrase ‘women do’. Join us and be part of our world.


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