September 11

Why Undercharging is Killing Your Growth Dreams


Have you been undercharging what you’re worth?

Recently, I’ve had countless conversations with clients – women with 5, 10 years in business, and even those with 2, 3, or 4 decades of incredible experience – who are pricing themselves so low they might as well be flipping burgers at the local drive-thru. It’s a frustrating reality, and it’s one that far too many of us face.

For many of us, despite the years of skills and mastery we’ve honed in our fields, the moment we step out on our own in business, we forget to price ourselves according to that experience. We start doubting our worth, and before we know it, we’re working ourselves to the bone with nothing to show for it.

Today, let’s talk about why you need to stop undercharging and the mindset shift that will help you build the successful business of your dreams.

Recognize Your Worth

Most of us question our worth when we first strike out on our own. We agonize over our hourly rates, rewrite proposals a dozen times, and constantly flip-flop on what to charge.

But here’s the truth: when you’re stuck in that loop of self-doubt, you’re burning precious time and energy—energy that should be spent connecting with your A-grade clients and delivering your brilliance to the world. Doubt only fuels procrastination, and that’s a cycle you can’t afford to be caught in.

Attract the Right Clients With Your Pricing

Here’s something I’ve learned the hard way: when you undercharge, you’re inviting the wrong clients into your business. Every single time I’ve compromised on my rates, those clients have become my biggest headaches. Without exception.

Underpricing attracts clients who don’t truly value your expertise, and that almost always leads to resentment. But when you charge what you’re worth, you’ll repel the misaligned clients and attract those who not only recognize your value but are eager to pay for it.

Position Yourself in the Market

When it comes to positioning yourself in the market, perception is everything. If you want to be seen as the best in the business and create demand for your services, you have to price yourself accordingly.

If you’re charging the same rates as everyone else, you’re just another face in a crowded field. But when you set your prices higher, you’re signaling confidence in your work and a deep understanding of your worth. That’s how you build a powerful brand and a position that stands out.

Focus on Future Growth

What you might not realize is that undercharging is directly harming your future growth. When you price yourself too low, you’re forced to take on more clients just to hit your targets. That means more work, more stress, and less time for everything else.

You end up too busy to focus on the crucial aspects of your business—like marketing strategies and building relationships with those dream clients. With no time to plan or make strategic changes, you eventually hit a ceiling on your growth potential.

So, it’s time to quit undercharging and overworking. Instead, create the time and space you need to strategize for the future growth of your business.

My business strategy is simple: dollars up, days down. I’m all about building a business – and by extension, a life by design. We want to earn more and work less. We want time to implement the strategies that will make our businesses grow.

It’s time to have conviction in your pricing. Trust me, once you do, you’ll start seeing opportunities to take your business to the next level that you never knew existed.

Want even more insights on pricing and growth? Check out my podcast episode here:




Janine x


Blog, business mentor, Janine Garner, Ownership, Success, women in business

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