October 9

Why small thinking limits your business potential


Picture this: my adult daughter Taya, eyes wide with excitement, asks if I’d like to participate in a Hyrox challenge with her. Naturally, I said yes! How hard could it be, right? 

Little did I know what I was agreeing to. My first thought was that Hyrox might be the name of some trendy new smoothie or a TikTok dance. 

Nevertheless, excited by the prospect of a shared adventure with Taya, I dove in head first – with absolutely zero idea what I was in for! 

When I finally discovered what Hyrox involved, I nearly spat out my tea. A fitness competition, it was like being asked to run a marathon while lifting weights for “fun.” My initial reaction was sheer panic, overwhelmed with self-doubt and fear. Yet, accountability—my promise to Taya—kept me from hiding under the covers.

Now, why am I telling you this story? Surprisingly, I found that everything I learnt through completing this Hyrox challenge can be applied to how we face up to the challenges and complexities involved in running a business. 

If you’re a business owner wondering how to tackle the tough stuff in business head on, I’ve got some really powerful lessons to share with you. 

Accountability is the Game-Changer

One of the most significant learnings from this adventure is the sheer power of accountability. Knowing Taya depended on me prevented me from backing out of Hyrox. In business, accountability can pivot your trajectory. When you involve someone else—be it a partner, client, or mentor—you’re less likely to falter. Consider making your goals public. Announce them on social platforms or among your team, creating invisible yet robust guardrails to keep you on task.

Commitment to Process Over Goal

Here’s where most of us get it wrong. We set the goal, but we ignore the process. In business, we all have goals. It could be to hit that revenue target, launch that new product, grow our social media following or get more leads. But how many of us truly commit to the daily grind it takes to get there? 

If you’ve got big dreams but you’re not willing to commit to the process of getting there, those dreams will stay just that – dreams. The real magic happens in the day to day effort. My advice? Break down overwhelming goals into smaller, manageable tasks and ensure you celebrate each achievement – big or small – along the way.

Embrace and Transform Fear

Initially, my fear of failing—of collapsing mid-Hyrox—was overwhelming. Yet, fear signals growth. It often reveals you’re challenging yourself adequately. The goal isn’t to eliminate fear but to act despite it. Acknowledge it, then push through by focusing on your ultimate objective.

For me, the climax was crossing the Hyrox finish line with Taya, an experience far richer than I imagined. The same holds true for business: conquering fear can propel you to new heights, enriching your journey.

Fear in business is often our biggest constraint. It manifests as the fear of failure, hard work, or public embarrassment. Many allow these fears to take the wheel, leading us to procrastinate or, worse, quit. But here’s the thing: fear is a choice. Choosing to confront it can transform your business journey.

So, I challenge you: what’s your Hyrox? What have you been sidestepping because it feels too daunting? Take it on. Dive in anyway and see where the journey takes you. Remember, brilliance isn’t in getting it perfect from the beginning; it’s in learning, adapting and preparing better for the next challenge.

Submit your Question: Spotify – click the button below. All other platforms – send me a DM on Instagram or email: [email protected]

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