November 11

Who Is Youer Than You?


Dr SeussThere are so many different expectations that we as a society place on each other and in turn we place on ourselves – to be the most caring friend, fearless leader, innovative business owner, loving mother, passionate lover, amazing cook, and incredible housekeeper. Did society set in stone these perceived rules of behaviour or is it pressure that unintentionally (and unnecessarily) we are putting on ourselves?

Falling in to the trap of pleasing others, conforming to society ideals and being all things to all people can be, if nothing else, totally draining and exhausting. The cacophony of sounds on your shoulders as the different personalities share how you should behave – is this really conducive to leading yourself and others with authenticity and truth?

“Toughen up. Hard work. No play. Don’t show vulnerability at work. Make those tough decisions and now” says the assumed fearless leader.

“That dust on those shelves? Get to work. That pile of washing? That personal admin in tray that’s overflowing. Not good enough” says the assumed incredible housewife.

… and let’s not even go there with the various versions of the passionate wife.

It’s time to put a stop to this incessant noise that drowns out dreams, thoughts and opinions and create a new perspective; to change our own game of behaviour to one that is authentic, real and honest.

It’s time to appreciate that each and every one of us is unique.

It’s time to acknowledge what we are good at and where, quite frankly, we suck.

It’s time to grab that leadership baton that everyone is wanting and stand in your spotlight – be a leader that is honest, authentic and real.

I will admit, I am rubbish at cooking and looking after the house. I do experience the heart racing palpitations that come with visits from friends that epitomize Nigella in the kitchen. But I have learnt to accept the way I am and to laugh at my not so strong points even if it does mean donning a safety vest on a Friday night to enter my house, aka the disaster zone!

Being authentic benefits every one. Why? Because as opposed to the exhaustion of keeping up with how you think you should behave you accept who you are.

With that comes energy, excitement and happiness.

And we all know how infectious happiness is!

janine sig


business development, Courageous Leadership, gamechangers, Janine Garner, Janine's Words of Wisdom, LBDGroup, Leadership, Little Black Dress Group, The Little Black Blog, women in business

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