September 27

What Impact Are Your REALLY Making?



jg_blog_what-impact-words_800x800We spend every day connecting – at work, at home, at leisure. Whether on or offline the reality is that every single day we are coming in to contact with someone. But are you really connecting or are you simply going about your day to day focused on what it is that you have to achieve at that moment in time. Are you aware of how your every day actions and words influence others, or are you going about your day oblivious to the moments of magic that you, yourself, have the ability to create or even the dreams that you quite possibly could be destroying?


Every single thing we say or do makes an impact. How we answer the phone, how we order our coffee, how we walk in to the office, take a seat on a bus or respond to emails. Our tone, our manner, our behaviour, how we are being always impacts someone else.

And EVERYONE is watching.

The question is are you making the impact you want to make? Are you leaving behind the impression that you hope to leave?

We seem to be so busy these days rushing from one thing to another, trying to clear emails, answer phone calls, get through the endless to do list, trying our hardest to keep up with the demands on our time. I wonder if the fact that we are becoming so stretched in time is impacting our behaviour too?

You see the power rests in each of us to create change and momentum for another.

I’m reminded of the Everyday Leadership TED talk by Drew Dudley. Drew’s message is such a vital one in an age of disruption and chaos, where leadership has become synonymous with a job title, business card and/or achieving crazy heights of business (and financial) success.

Drew argues rather than viewing leadership in such traditional and static terms, that the impact that we can unknowingly have on another means we are all leaders – spot on I say!

Everyday leadership is a must have. It’s about making a conscious decision to walk the talk.

People are people. There are those that you will inspire who will watch how you react and go about business; who listen to what you say, and what you do; who see how you behave and respond to others.

Create the impact you want to make.

Make every connection matter.

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Connection, From Me To We, Impact, Influence, it's who you know, Janine Garner, Leadership, Network, networking, Nexus, Self Leadership

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