October 29



I wanted to start this email off by saying Thank You for all your support. 

You are a valued part of my community and I honestly wouldn’t be writing this email without you. 

My team and I are celebrating this month, and do you want to know why? 

Because we recently hit 100,000 downloads of my podcast Unleashing Brilliance. 🥳

Not only that but we will have produced over 200 episodes by the end of the year, and it took me to this point to realise we haven’t yet celebrated these milestones. So I’m practicing what I preach and making sure to take the time to acknowledge how far I’ve come and really celebrate what I achieve. 

Unleashing Brilliance started by accident… well sort of. You see, several years ago I began interviewing CEOs, athletes, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, philanthropists, and other brilliant individuals as part of my research into what predicates brilliance. Was there something similar between each of these moments of brilliance or not? 

I started to notice similar themes and patterns popping up in each one of these conversations and began further research to codify these themes – including investing in an intensive study trip to Harvard to add to my understanding of what was being uncovered in leadership ono a global scale.  This research became the 4 laws of brilliance which I wrote about in my best-selling book Be Brilliant: how to lead a life of influence. 

And that could have been where my accidental foray into podcasting ended. But I don’t do things by halves.

I asked my listeners what they wanted more of and the resounding response was more of me – more of my own business journey, my lessons in business and more of what I was noticing. And so we re-launched Unleashing Brilliance in January this year and my podcast has continued to grow and evolve.

To celebrate this achievement, I thought I would share with you some of my favourite episodes from the last 12 months. 

The 3 letters that will put you in the 1% Success Club

Why the Network of YOU is Critical to Your Success

4 Questions You Should Ask to Elevate Your Leadership

The ONLY 2 Things You Can Control in Your Business

Unleashing Brilliance is a testament to continually growing and learning in your business. And sometimes having to reinvent and reiterate across years before you find a rhythm that works for you. 

Later this week I’ll be talking all about the importance of experimentation in your business and if I hadn’t taken the leap and experimented with a podcast we never would have been able to hit this milestone. 

Before I sign off, I want to thank you again for taking the time to listen and grow with the podcast. I’d love to hear what your favourite episode has been so that I can keep creating content that you want to see in 2025. 

And if you havent yet listened in you can listen and watch my podcast via the links below.  I’d love you to subscribe and share and if you can leave a review I would be so grateful.

Spotify – Unleashing Brilliance

Apple Podcast – Unleashing Brilliance

YouTube – Unleashing Brilliance 

Thanks again

Janine x


Blog, business mentor, Janine Garner, women in business

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