June 17

They Say It’s Your Birthday


12136541-black-and-white-happy-birthday-heart-isolated-vector-illustrationToday marks the second birthday of the Little Black Dress Group. Women across Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Brisbane – Happy Birthday to you!

Boy, how we – and I – have changed in that time!

Three years ago, I was Marketing Director for the Oroton Group, looking after Oroton and Ralph Lauren. Two years ago, I left all of that behind and set out on the scariest and most exhilarating journey of my life, launching LBD – and now, two years on, I have been rewarded for that leap of faith tenfold with an ever-growing community of dynamic, change-making business woman and leaders.

We deserve to take time today to celebrate; to celebrate new contacts made, new knowledge gained, and the amazing way in which like-minded business leaders are coming together in the spirit of collaboration, honesty and respect to drive success for each other and themselves.

So much has been achieved in two years – so much that I am personally proud of, and which all of the members of LBD have contributed to the success of;

  • New members joining every month
  • Challenging and thoughtful conversations with dynamic, wonderful leaders such as Abigail Disney and Elizabeth Broderick
  • Forums for honest discussion with men and women of courage
  • Our wonderful exclusive dinners
  • The launch of our online magazine, GLOSS
  • Media coverage both here and overseas, and members being interviewed for their acumen and insights
  • The LBD Retreat
  • The upcoming launch of the new interactive LBD website
  • Above all, members businesses and business networks growing and expanding exponentially.

These are fantastic achievements, and it is so wonderful to see tangible outcomes – for myself and most importantly for the members of LBD  – because it’s why I created it in the first place – to give women the chance to grow and reach their full potential as business leaders, and to meet others who saw things their way.

But it is about more than these outcomes.

To see business women working towards their dreams, having changemaking conversations, modelling changes in business behaviour – whether it be in corporate or within the entrepreunerial arena – and above all, witnessing collaboration as members work to make each others’ businesses succeed…

That’s a birthday present to be grateful for.

We are here to make the ripples in the pool of change. To make that splash. To form circles of influence that link together and work for the future.

Thank you all for joining me on what is the most amazing journey. Thank you for the last two years; thank you in advance for what is to come; thank you above all for your friendship and support.

Someone asked me recently if after leaving corporate, I felt lonely. I can honestly say that I have never felt so connected and supported in my life. That is the power of LBD – and the power of netweaving which all of you represent.


Connect. Inspire. Succeed.

And here’s to the next year and everything it may bring.



Birthday, Business, Janine Garner, Janine's Words of Wisdom, LBDG, Little Black Dress, The Little Black Blog, Women, women in business

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