July 19

The Lesson of Patience


THe Lesson of PatienceHave you ever found yourself chasing instant gratification, only to be met with disappointment? Modern life, with its relentless pace and myriad of distractions, constantly tests our patience and resolve. Yet, true success often demands the discipline to resist these temptations in favour of long-term rewards.

Recently, my eldest son Flynn had to learn this lesson the hard way. Flynn, a dedicated rugby player, was in the midst of rigorous off-season training when an unexpected injury threatened his progress. Initially suspected to be a fracture, an MRI revealed it was only a bruised bone. While this diagnosis was a relief, it still meant being sidelined from playing. But Flynn didn’t let this setback derail him. Instead, he followed his physio’s exercise plan with determination, attended every training session to observe and learn, and found specific exercises to maintain his strength. He took on the role of waterboy, supporting his teammates from the sidelines, refusing to let his injury keep him away from the game he loves.

Flynn could have given up. He could have taken the easy route, spending his days on the couch, allowing his injury to be an excuse. I know it would have been more comfortable. But Flynn understood that taking the easy way out would only hinder his recovery and make his return to the field much harder.

This got me thinking about the parallels in business. How often do we chase immediate rewards or give up when faced with adversity? It’s all too easy to succumb to distractions offering instant gratification, but this pleasure is fleeting. True success lies in embracing the discipline of delayed gratification. In business, this means consistently pursuing our goals with patience and determination, knowing that the rewards won’t come immediately.

Every day, we face the battle of doing what we know will yield long-term results versus what feels good or easy in the moment. Whether it’s pulling ourselves away from a riveting Netflix series to ensure we get enough sleep, writing those proposals to get clients across the line instead of waiting until tomorrow, or taking care of our physical health by hitting the gym instead of sleeping in and rolling into our office in pyjamas.

Here are four suggestions to master the discipline to avoid distraction:

  1. Lock Down Your Goals, Your Why, and Your Plan: Start with a clear goal, understand why it matters to you, and create an actionable plan. For instance, when I write books, I aim to deliver a manuscript by a specific date, driven by a message I want to share. Having a plan keeps me focused despite distractions.
  2. Ditch the Temptation: Set yourself up for success by eliminating distractions. Whether it’s turning off social media notifications or removing unhealthy snacks from the pantry, minimising temptations increases focus and productivity.
  3. Celebrate the Small Stuff: Reward yourself for accomplishments along the way. Planning small rewards boosts motivation and helps maintain healthy habits, as noted by author Gretchen Rubin in her fabulous book, Better Than Before.
  4. Be Kind To Yourself: Accept that setbacks are part of the journey. When faced with a momentary lapse in discipline, forgive yourself and keep moving forward. Track your progress, learn from mistakes, and strive for constant improvement.

So, what are you choosing to do today? Will you embrace the discipline of delayed gratification and stay focused on your long-term goals? Or will you let the allure of instant pleasure derail your progress?

Take a moment, reflect, and make a choice that your future self will thank you for.

Janine x


goals, gratification, Janine Garner, lesson, Patience

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