October 28

Leading out is facing out: Leading out drives influence


Whether you are the CEO of an organisation or the leader of a team, if you sit comfortably in the business space of leading inwards and focusing solely on your goals, your to-do lists and your aspirations, then inevitably you will come to an influential standstill. Why? Because the world is moving quicker than ever before.

According to consultants we are living in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world and while it is all well and good to know this, these rapid changes are demanding a new operating system — one where we can bring our skills, strengths and talents to the table and together amplify and share expertise to create progressive, results-oriented solutions.

Leading in and thinking of self won’t cut it anymore (although I’m not convinced it ever has). Lead out, however, and the world will be led by, and with, your ideation, products, or professional opinions.

As leaders, we need to be the ones motivating and guiding, the ones disrupting and thinking differently. We are the ones to whom others are looking for inspiration. We must always be on the look out for potential new ways of doing business. We must be prepared to test different approaches. We must lead out.

To lead out is to see the potential in new connections and the collective power of the combined intelligence bank. Leading out is understanding that significant opportunity can exist when we are curious about the insight, views and opinions of others. Leading out is understanding that your opinion does matter. You matter because when you own your voice and speak up, you are an integral part of driving change.

Whether you are paving your own entrepreneurial path or following a corporate career dream, understanding the impact that you have on those immediately around you and the decisions being made is significant and should never be underestimated. Every action you take, every word that you speak, has the ability to influence others and in turn, the decisions being made at that moment in time.

The wisest and most thoughtful decision makers are those who see beyond the personal; who are able to put aside prejudices and fears and embrace everything the future has to offer. They see that by expanding networks, considering the views of others, inviting new perspectives into their circle of influence, being prepared to give as well as take, and actively listening to those around them they only add to their own worth, and future-proof their position as someone who wants to lead by example, rather than dictate.

To lead out means accepting the value that exists in corporate and entrepreneurial viewpoints, in cross-sector relationships, in big business and small. It is standing up for one’s team when the chips are down, and inviting said team to be a part of any successes you enjoy.

Leading out creates influence — one to one, more to more and many to many. It presents an opportunity to engage collective energy to drive momentum and change. It supports active contribution, disruption, influence and decision-making. Leading out is future-proofing your leadership, your team and your company. Be part of the evolution and change your game.


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