July 17

Is it a Hell Yeah or a Hell No?

The power of 'no'The power of ‘no’ often gets overlooked. 

What do I mean?

Well, every time we say ‘yes’ to something, we’re implicitly saying ‘no’ to something else.

Every decision we make involves an investment of time, energy, and sometimes money, diverting resources from other potential pursuits.

Saying ‘yes’ to every opportunity that knocks on our door might seem like the path to success, but it often leads to stress, compromise, and a dilution of focus. The pressure to please others, fear of missing out, or reluctance to hurt someone’s feelings often clouds our judgement.

But what if we took the personal element out of your business decisions? What if we approached decision-making with a more discerning eye, aligning our choices with our overarching business goals? This shift in perspective can be what makes or breaks your business this year.

As renowned negotiation expert William Ury puts it, saying ‘no’ is a powerful yet underutilised tool. It’s not about exerting dominance but rather about maintaining clarity and focus on what truly matters.

In my own journey, I’ve learned the value of strategic decision-making from one of my mentors, Matt Church. He shared this piece of information with me, and it’s stuck with me all these years: Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should

We need to evaluate opportunities through the lens of our long-term vision and have the courage to decline distractions that don’t serve our goals.

Successful individuals understand the importance of prioritisation and focus. They don’t just do more; they do what matters most and do the work that adds value, rather than the busy work. They streamline their commitments, protect their time, and invest in activities that align with their vision.

To navigate decision-making in your business, I recommend using a Decision-Making Triage. This involves identifying three critical criteria that any decision must meet to warrant a ‘yes’. Here’s some examples:

  • does it contribute to sales generation?
  • Do I need the cash right now?
  • Is this building my brand?
  • Does this give me energy?
  • Does doing this  support the pursuit of my bigger vision?
  • Do I want to do this right now?

By applying this framework, you can ensure that every ‘yes’ moves you closer to your goals, rather than scattering your efforts in different directions. 

So next time, say ‘no’ when things don’t align to your values, priorities and goals. Say ‘yes’ to the projects that matter to you, your career and your life. 

Janine x




Business, Business Success, Courage, Success, women in business

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