April 8

I Am, I Said: Why Success Rests With YOU


corner-street-signs-success-happiness “No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourself” – Leonard Barden

“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” – Helen Keller.

How many times have you heard others around you use the following words to explain why they haven’t quite made it?

‘If only my boss had…’

‘I’d like to move companies, but…’

‘I didn’t get a promotion because of this person/that situation/this occurrence…’

‘I can’t change because x/y/z won’t let me…’

‘It’s the economy. It’s holding everyone back.’

There are always going to be convenient excuses. Just as there are always external influences which can affect your journey of growth and success. And admittedly, some things you absolutely cannot control.


Are you going to be the kind of person who grasps the business equivalent of a stinging nettle, bears a little pain and rises above it – or will you allow the excuses to excuse you from being the best?

The one thing you can control is your attitude. That is yours and yours alone. Yes, sometimes it is easier said than done but keeping a positive, can do attitude not only opens up opportunity, it pushes you in the right direction, and allows you to quite simply get on with it.

A positive, motivated attitude and taking ownership of your own journey are intertwined and part of any true success story. It allows you to take strength and learning from the times when you fail – and yes, you will fail; it allows you to turn the feeling of sometimes debilitating fear into useful adrenalin and a sense of excitement for the possible.

It allows you to trust rather than doubt.

Just think about it.

Say the words.

‘Yes I can’.

‘Yes I CAN!’

How does that feel? 

I would rather spend my life believing in the possible than doubting, dwelling and living in the negative. I would rather take a chance and embrace wholeheartedly what may be rather than imagine what cannot be. Who wants to spend their time saying ‘no… I just can’t’?

Not me.

How about you?



Janine Garner, Janine's Words of Wisdom, LBDG, Say Yes, Self Belief, Self-Worth, Success

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