November 5

Ep 094 – Working across a shrinking planet w: Kyle D. Hegarty


Kyle Hegarty argues that whilst conversations have multiplied as the majority of the world has been forced to move on-line, the issues and challenges of working globally across cultural boundaries have equally multiplied.
From start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, Kyle empowers leaders and teams to find new ways to communicate and lead across our shrinking planet. His programs help clients increase business across regions, strengthen teams, build trust, and re-focus company cultures towards global innovation.

With upwards of 70% of foreign ventures failing due to cultural differences, Kyle shows how anyone can beat these odds by learning new skills to adapt in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven planet. His first book, The Accidental Business Nomad: A Survival Guide for Working Across a Shrinking Planet is available in North America now and the rest of the world this August.

In this podcast we discuss:
-Strategies for working globally
-The need for smarter questions and the development of a soft connection before moving into the tactics of doing business
-Why we need to shift our perspective to treating people how they want to be treated.

Join me for a fabulous conversation into the challenges of working and leading across global boundaries and the opportunities that exist for all of us.

You can find out more about Kyle’s work and download the resources he references in this conversation here:


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