May 31

Dream and Take Action – You Can Do It



If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality. – Roopleen

There is often a risk of thinking ourselves out of action because we think long and hard about what we want to achieve – we think, and we think, and we think. And if we’re not thinking about the great big light bulb moment, we are discussing it. We discuss the idea, or the product, or the concept, with those we trust. We discuss it to death. That poor butterfly of brilliance, which potentially could have changed the world, is gone before it even had a chance to breathe. At worse we choose instead to follow that bright shiny stuff, or even the safe stuff, tailored specifically for the sole purpose of taking us off our track.

It all comes down to this.

Those that succeed live by a very simple set of ‘commandments’. They recognise the inherent need to stop living in the abstract and instead bring oneself into the reality of taking action now with a big fat ‘bring it on’ and ‘yes I can’.

I can.

The power of those two words is so strong. When we allow ourselves to trust in our own ideas and to actually follow through on them – well – action has to happen. We may have finally surrounded ourselves with the right people, because at the end of the day nothing propagates the development of great plans like a great team. Having valued and trusted members, that circle of influence, alongside us on the journey means being pushed and prodded in the right way to make decisions and stick by them. It means looking out instead of in, and bringing dreams to fruition.

I have just finished three days of business immersion at Thought Leaders Business School. As a Thought Leaders Partner and Mentor, we spend three days helping clever people become commercially smart, deciding on the action for the next 90 days and developing plans to maximise the success rate. The difference between success (and let’s be honest success could well be learning from failure along the way) comes down to focus, I can, I will. It is all about initiation and action, not just imagination and dreams of “perhaps I could try this”.

It’s a lesson we all need to learn when we um and ahhh with those new ideas. A ‘what if I fail’ isn’t going to bring us the next stage of growth that we want.

What will do it is ‘I may fail, but I will try anyway, because you know what?’

‘I can’.

If you can dream –

Yes. You can DO

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From Me To We, I Can, Influence, Janine Garner, Leadership, Ownership, Self Belief

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