December 20

Celebrate Your Moments


 Yes, Christmas is coming, and the turkey – and possibly us, if we don’t watch the Christmas party canapés – are getting fat!

This is my last blog prior to the holiday break – and yes, I am actually taking a break! Like many of us, I am looking forward to the opportunity to spend some uninterrupted time with my family over the Christmas and holiday period.

Many of us are quick to praise others and celebrate their achievements, but slow to give ourselves the chance to stop and celebrate the moments which matter in our own lives – whether they are personal or business related. As we approach the end of 2019, why don’t you give yourselves the best gift of all – a well-earned rest and a look at what you have achieved throughout the year?

Take a moment to look back over each month of the year that was and pull out 12 things that you feel were personal ‘this is where I changed the game’ moments. Try and do this without checking back over your calendar or checking in on your business plan or last P&L report. Get present, sit with your thoughts and consider those ‘high five’ moments – one (or more) for each month of 2019. Then go ahead and raise a glass of champagne to you – whether you make that a real glass or virtual one is up to you!

For me, 2019 was not without its awesome highs and ‘give me strength’ challenges. As always, I set the bar as high as I possibly could and that brought with it frustration and tears but ultimately enormous rewards.

There was an awesome happy dance moment on Monday when I submitted the manuscript for my third book “Be Brilliant – how to lead a life of influence” to my publisher, Wiley.   Due for release in June 2020 – I cannot wait to share this new IP with you all.

On a personal front, Carter finished year 5 being made a school leader for 2020 and had an awesome year of school experiences and sport – his favourite was a Rugby Tour to New Zealand playing for the Manly Marlins (and for all my NZ contacts the Mighty Marlins won every game!) A huge thank you to Gabrielle Dolan and Becca Saunders from The Deli Agency for sponsoring Carter on this trip.

Taya finished year 8 after a challenging year of friendship groups forming and re-forming, navigating the lovely land of teenage girl bickering and bullying and now challenging my social calendar with the amount of holiday fun she has organised.

And Flynn, my 16-year-old, has entered the new phase of learning to drive, getting ready for his HSC years and everything in between.

2019 was made all the more awesome because of the incredible people in my world.  My clients, the team at Saxton Speakers and Wiley publishing and all of you that have supported me this year – a huge thank you.

And to  the network of people around me – my Inner Circle mastermind group who live and breathe connection, collaborating and sharing insight for each others success and growth and my personal network of 12 – you know who you are! It is ultimately these people and the depth of connection that exists that is both priceless and contributes to the joy in my world.

Have a safe, happy and joyous Christmas and holiday season. Enjoy the gift of your achievements. Raise that glass. And take a deep breath before you surge on towards a new decade , 2020.

Much love


P.S.  The office will be closed until 13th January 2020 when we will re-open with skeleton hours.  I am available for bookings from 28th January 2020.

P.P.S: I am so excited to be travelling to San Francisco to speak at the Convening Leaders Conference.  I will no doubt share my exploits on social media.


Celebrate, Moments, Self Leadership, Year

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