October 10

Why small thinking limits your business potential


Picture this: my adult daughter Taya, eyes wide with excitement, asks if I’d like to participate in a Hyrox challenge with her. Naturally, I said yes! How hard could it be, right? 

Little did I know what I was agreeing to. My first thought was that Hyrox might be the name of some trendy new smoothie or a TikTok dance. 

A fitness competition, it was like being asked to run a marathon while lifting weights for “fun.” My initial reaction was sheer panic, overwhelmed with self-doubt and fear. Yet, accountability—my promise to Taya—kept me from hiding under the covers.

Surprisingly, I found that everything I learnt through completing this Hyrox challenge can be applied to how we face up to the challenges and complexities involved in running a business. 

If you’re a business owner wondering how to tackle the tough stuff in business head on, I’ve got some really powerful lessons to share with you on accountability, commitment to the process and transforming fear by taking action. 

I challenge you: what’s your Hyrox? What have you been sidestepping because it feels too daunting? Take it on. Dive in anyway and see where the journey takes you. 

Remember, brilliance isn’t in getting it perfect from the beginning; it’s in learning, adapting and preparing better for the next challenge.

 Submit your Question: Spotify – click the button below. All other platforms – send me a DM on Instagram or email: [email protected] 

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Janine: [:'s the question. What do you [:

I didn't even know what a Hyrox challenge was in my mind. It could have been absolutely anything. Maybe it was a new smoothie trend or even a dance off or some tick tock dance, but Hey, my daughter wanted something special, wanted to do something special with me. So I let in with both feet right into the deep end.

year, my daughter Taya had a [:

She was in full on study mode, sacrificing sleep, fitness, and probably a little bit of nutrition too. But this year, she flipped the script. Once those exams were done, she turned her attention to her own health and fitness, and she began training like a champ, eating well, hitting the gym, and gearing up for this massive Hirox challenge.

Now, Taya didn't just jump into this like it was some casual workout. She got Hirox specific training. She consulted with experts. She prepared like she was heading into the Olympics. She knew it was going to be tough, but instead of shying away from it, she went all in. And this got me thinking about how often do we approach our own challenges with that same level of commitment?

st of us, maybe not so much. [:

And my first reaction, honestly, was sheer panic. I was filled with fear, self doubt, awe, Honestly, I had no idea how I was going to do this. And I think we've all been there before. Haven't we? When, when something seems so big, so hard or too out of reach, we're tempted to crawl under the covers and avoid it altogether.

t we're going to look silly, [:

It's like those moments where the next step feels too hard, so we put it off, we procrastinate, or worse, we quit altogether. But that's fear. It's a choice. And let me tell you, choosing to rise to the challenge can actually make the difference. So what can you take away from all of this? Well, I want to dive into three key things that I've been thinking about since doing the Hierarchs with Tea.

The first thing I've been thinking about is that. Actually, accountability is everything. When I felt like backing out, knowing Taya was counting on me is the very thing that kept me going. Accountability is such a powerful force. Whether you're preparing for a Hyrox challenge or tackling something big in your business.

someone else is in the mix, [:

You actually push through. And here's a real world business example. I've worked with clients who have said time and time again, I'm going to launch that product next week, or I'm going to reach out to that potential new client. But guess what happens when they don't have someone holding them accountable?

Yep, it gets pushed. Weeks become months. And suddenly that dream, that project never sees the light of day. So how can you build accountability into your business? Maybe it's about finding an accountability partner. And this could be a peer, a coach, or even a mastermind group. The point is, Find someone who will hold you to your word.

Every single one of us needs [:

Set hard deadlines and stick to them and then share those deadlines with With your accountability partner so that they can actually check up on you. They can follow you up. They can make sure you're doing the very thing you said you're going to do. For me, this was the Hyrax accountability partner and my daughter, who every single week would Challenge me to go and do my one K runs to do those extra reps on the rowing machine, whatever it was, there was the accountability and the small measures every single day that would kept me going.

ed to deliver. Because other [:

Accountability is a game changer and without Taya keeping me on track, I probably would have bailed on the Hyrox. But because she was counting on me, I showed up, I pushed through, and we crossed that finish line together. My second learning on the back of doing this Hyrox challenge with Taya was about actually committing to the process, not the goal.

Taya didn't just set a goal to complete Hyrox, she committed to the process. She trained, she researched, she worked hard every single day. And here's where most of us get it wrong. We set the goal, but we ignore the process. In business, we all have goals. It could be hit that revenue target, launch that new product, grow our social media following, get more leads.

day to day effort. Take the [:

Writing every single day, keeping that bum glued to the seat. even when you don't feel like it. Editing, re editing, rewriting, re editing and showing up again and again and again. In business it's the same. If you've got big dreams but you're not willing to commit to the process of getting there, those dreams will stay just that, dreams.

r launch date. What needs to [:

Maybe it's also about celebrating small wins. You know, one of the reasons we struggle with long term goals is because we don't see the immediate payoff. Make a point to celebrate the small stuff, those wins along the way. Finished a section of your business plan? Awesome! Treat yourself. Closed a smaller deal on the big path to the big one?

Brilliant! Celebrate that. It's fun. Fascinating for me, because in our Elevate community, we work on 90 day plans. We know that everyone has got that bigger picture goal in their business, but when we set 90 day goals, 90 day plans, and we celebrate at the end of that 90 days, we're with a win and some reward, it's incredible the momentum that it can create.

n the process itself, rather [:

You know, I didn't prepare as well as Taya did for the Hyrox, but now I see the value in committing fully to the process. And that's why doing it, why we're actually doing it all again. I know I must be absolutely mental, but this time I'll be all in. My final learning from this whole high watch challenge with Taya was one of embracing the fear and not letting it hold me back.

was more fearful of, fearful [:

For you, it might be the fear of launching a new product and having no one buy it, or the fear of failure in front of your peers. But here's the thing, fear to me is a sign that you're pushing boundaries. If you're not a little bit scared, you're probably playing too small. In business, I think fear shows up as so many forms, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of judgment.

And it's easy to let that fear paralyze you to keep you from taking action. It keeps you stuck. It keeps you exactly where you are. So how do you deal with the fear. Well, I think first up, you've got to acknowledge it. You know, the first step to recognizing that you're scared is to actually understand that fear is normal.

t beat yourself up for being [:

And finally, focus on the outcome. When fear tries to pull you under, focus on why you're doing this in the first place. What's the ultimate reward? For me, it was crossing that finish line with my daughter by my side. It was creating a moment together. It was having one of those experiences that we can keep looking back on.

very thing that propels you [:

Absolutely not. But we crossed the finish line and the next time I'll be even more prepared. So whether you're facing a massive business project, an economic downturn, or your own Hyrox challenge, I want you to think about how are you showing up? Are you fully committed? Or are you letting fear pull you under?

Or are you actually rising to that challenge? Now, I know business isn't always easier, but if my story has shown you anything, it's that you've got this. Remember, it's not about getting everything right the first time. It's about learning from each challenge. It's about showing up and being better prepared the next time.

ke it on. I want you to lean [:

I'd love to hear your stories. Until next week, keep unleashing your brilliance, and I look forward to touching base with you next week.


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