August 26

Ep 117 – Your Story Is The Very Thing That Will Move People w: James Cooper


James Cooper is a filmmaker and videographer. He got his first film camera when he was 5 years old. The son of an award-winning Television director, he always had a love for film and storytelling. As he shared on this podcast, “Information by itself doesn’t move people.  It’s the stories that people share that move people.”

James believes that there is a SIGNATURE STORY inside everyone, that can transform your business. This story is unique to you and it is one that needs to be told.  And yet for so many perfectionism gets in the way. As James shares,, “perfectionism is a thief of life” getting in the way of the very legacy that all of us should be leaving, our story.

During this conversation we get to hear all about James’s childhood on set with his dad.  How he learnt on the job watching the masters at play and the moment he stepped in to his own spotlight to do the work that he does now.

We discuss:

–       How trusting in yourself is key
–       The confidence to own your own voice, to stand out and be different
–       How your story is valid and your unique fingerprint
–       And James challenges us all to own and share our story as opposed to letting others create it for you.



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