August 1

Embrace Your Extraordinary Self with Deidre Dattoli


How could things be different in your life, career or business if you embraced your extraordinary?

So many of us go through life only considering certain parts of ourselves as valuable, making it challenging to feel expansive enough to achieve all our dreams.

But there is a way to change this.

My guest today, Deidre Dattoli, is here to share with us how we can embrace our whole, extraordinary selves in order to live in a way that truly lights us up.

Deidre is an author, professional certified coach, educator and emotional intelligence practitioner. She is also the co-founder of Embrace Your Extraordinary, a transformative global education and inspiration space dedicated to empowering people to embrace their extraordinary potential and live their most extraordinary lives. 

In this episode, Deidre shares her journey to realising she was already extraordinary just by being alive, and how this took her from a career as a corporate exec to pursuing a life that aligned with her true nature. She also gives us insight into how we can find the balance between wellness, having the energy to show up, aliveness and feeling fulfilled. 

We hear some practical strategies on embracing our authenticity, and how to live with a mindset of gratitude for the present moment.  

I encourage you to get curious during this conversation about where fear might be keeping you small. Ask yourself: if you were to embrace the fact that you already are extraordinary, what possibilities could be created for you in your life?

 Submit your Question: Spotify – click the button below. All other platforms – send me a DM on Instagram or email: [email protected] 

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[:ealized that she already was [:

Get curious during this conversation about where maybe fear might be keeping you. Small. And actually, if you were to embrace the fact that you already are extraordinary, I wonder what possibilities could be created for you. Hello, Deidre, so awesome to grab you and get some time to have you on this podcast. Thank you for sharing some time today with us. Wonderful to have you here.

Deidre: Thank you. Thank you so much, Janine. Very excited, to have this opportunity to chat with you.

e going to be talking about, [:

You talk a lot, So in fact, your passion work is working with people to embrace. They're extraordinary. It's, it's, it's everything that you live and breathe. I'm curious, can you share with our audience? What does embrace your extraordinary actually mean for you.

Why does it matter? Why is it so important that we all start embracing our extraordinary?

re able to embrace that true [:

And all of that is extraordinary. And it's about embracing. every single part of our extraordinary selves. when we actually broke it down and we thought about, well, what does embrace your extraordinary mean embrace really means to lovingly hug and hold. And that's what extraordinary embracing your extraordinary is all about.

embracing only certain parts.[:

And therefore it makes it challenging and it makes it hard to be able to achieve our dreams a sense or achieve the goals and what it is that we want to achieve in life.

Janine: Ah, I'm so looking forward to this conversation. Before we get into some of the specifics, you mentioned there that what you're noticing is individuals embracing just a part of who they are. Can you just tell me a little bit more around, you know, what you are noticing right now and therefore why?

Things need to be different. Why we all need to start thinking a little bit differently about who we are and who it is that we want to become and this embracing are extraordinary.

ly busy. We're all trying to [:

What we actually can't see as well with our physical body. And then we have what we talk about as our heart set and also our mindset. And what I find a lot of people are trying to achieve through just the doing. So it might be that they set a goal and They try to achieve that through more doing through a clear strategy.

k with, mindset as well. But [:

And sometimes it's not about pushing harder and doing that hustle, but sometimes it's actually about slowing down and really getting curious. about how we're being or who we're being in this world.

cutive, as a business owner, [:

Deidre: it was, a moment and I'll, I'll never, never forget it because all of my career, I've always absolutely loved what I've done and going to work has always been such a joy. And I was in my, um, my corporate career and it was a fantastic Friday afternoon, and we had had a little bit of a disagreement in our management team, particularly just myself and one of the others.

just pushing so hard to get [:

So that was kind of when I decided that I needed to search. for more and really understand, well, actually, what is missing here? I've got a great career. I've got a family, but yet I feel so disconnected from who I truly am, like that true nature of myself. And then that's when I started on that, journey of, of meditation, and really started to tap in to understanding more about the inner me, and doing that.

to look at a lot more of our [:

And then started to delve into even Dr. Joe Dispenza's work. And then that's when I started to realize that there's more to us as being a human being than actually what presents itself. so that's kind of where it all started. The curiosity for this, and then, you know, fast forward after leaving corporate a number of years, and I still felt like I was hustling and things were missing.

tart to unlock effect, which [:

Janine: um. Yeah.

I love that. And you talk a lot about, you know, three key pieces that we need to get curious about. I think, I read it's about that wellness piece. It's that aliveness piece and it's that legacy piece. and all three of those being such a critical part of us achieving our success.

Whether it be success in business, success in career, success as, a human doing whatever it is or being whoever it is that we want to be, I'm curious, I'd love to just delve a little bit more into each of those three, if that's okay. Cause I think so many of, my community, so many of the clients that I work with, and we've worked together quite a lot over the years on this stuff as well, as you've been unpacking this, is they can have all the best ideas in the world of what they want their business to become.

now, like you said, it's the [:

what does that mean in terms of wellness for you?

t is that we want to achieve [:

And when we dig deeper into that, wellness pace, it's looking at us as a whole human being. or a whole person. We're looking at how it all works in unity. So how a physical body, our mindset and our heart set all works, work in unison to be able to give us that, energy set, which is that wellness.

So really being able to unlock that energy pace.

liveness piece that you talk [:

Deidre: Aliveness to me is that unlocking that, that life. So it's that piece where we're feeling kind of, you know, lit up where we're feeling fulfilled. we're able to, you know, create our dreams into reality and really live that more nourishing, extraordinary life. So it's more of that real, comes from within, that just radiates, that really gives us that sense of feeling alive.

Janine: and

I imagine that's really infectious,



other people.

Deidre: yes, because we're all energy and people get a sense of your energy when you, when you walk into a room and that's where, you know, having a background in hairdressing and beauty, it's having that inner glow.

e can. Go to the gym. We can [:

Janine: I see that presented itself often amongst clients as like a misalignment. So they're sort of saying one thing and trying to sell one thing or be one thing for their clients. But The reality is, is that the, how they are showing up is slightly different and it's that whole alignment of, as you say, the wellness piece and the three elements and the aliveness piece is so key.

so how does legacy then become yet another part of this?

lock effect for, for people. [:

In everything that they do more effect for the self, or you could look at it as more influence, on their outcomes on humanity on life. And that's where we can then have a beautiful ripple effect out in the world. And I think people are starting to, yeah, want Something that's a little bit different now,

Janine: Well, I think it's also, you know, at the end of the day, people buy from people or, you know, we choose who we hang out with. And what you're, you're talking about here is it, it's not always what you're saying or what you think it's who you're being. It's how you're turning up. It's, it's that impression that you're making on a, fellow human being in that moment.

this so important for us as [:

Deidre: because we can do life in such an easy way. It can be, you know, with ease and grace. And instead of doing that, you know, that hustle of life. And that's exactly what it's been for, for me. And we don't get taught this. Stuff in school. Oh my God. wish I had of known half the stuff that I have in school.

emotions and their energy as [:

So personally, I just think that there's a better way of being. In this world. So this is part of the, I suppose, the driver for me too, was that I wanted to be that example for my kids. You know, I wanted to show them that they can follow their dreams and. There is a way you know, that they can be in the world.

what we call our true nature [:

Janine: I'd love to ask, because you said that the stuff that I wish I'd learned at school and at the same time you shared the stuff that you're learning, that you're teaching your kids and we've connected on this before because we've also got a child that wants to be a high performance athlete and not just the technical skill that gets them there.

I'm really curious if you could go back in time and give yourself some of the advice that you've given your kids, what sort of things would you tell yourself that Now that you know, you, you know, the people listening here might be able to do something with what's, what sort of gimme some examples.

ly love, nurture and support [:

So that's definitely a part of it. And the other part that, I kind of help them to work with is just being really clear about the outcome you want to achieve. And just taking the time to center yourself. being in the present moment, you know, whether it's doing some heart breaths or some, you know, some form of breath work, because when you're focusing on your breath, the only place that you can be is in the, in the present moment.

aking on this, this podcast, [:

Am I going to make a mistake? I'm no good at this, you know, all of The negative self talk that happens, and it's just such a simple practice, but it's so powerful, and I really wish that I hadn't learnt that, a long time ago. the other thing is just the power of slowing down to go faster.

I know we talk about it a lot, but you know, just that ability, like I said previously, just to center myself, you know, to take those moments throughout the day to breathe and center myself, because then we're able to be in that present moment. And that's where we can create our future. The only place we can create our dreams from is in the current.

moment [:

Janine: I love the conversation there around focus on how you're going to feel. I read something recently that talked about goal setting, not from the. Perspective of the stuff, the thing, the money you're going to earn, the clients you're going to work with. But that perspective of how do you want to feel? When you've achieved that, and you're right, we're not taught that stuff because it's all so, metric driven, like get your A's, your B's, your C's, your A tars, whatever it is.

And Yeah,

it's how you feel, which I love that. So thank you for saying that. now, before we go, I do want to ask you, cause you've run a retreat recently. where you've invited, a great group of people to do this work around, really connecting with all these strategies around improving their wellness, their aliveness and their legacy.

d cold therapy. And you were [:

And, and I guess how it can then relate to people listening and what they can take, with them, into their work.

Deidre: So, there's so many benefits from a, from a wellness perspective in terms of, recovering the body, in terms of, just our nervous system, inflammation, there's so much, but what we looked at it and Jodi, who's my business partner, she actually is the expert on the wellness side when it comes to hot and cold therapy.

e of the, um, attendees that [:

And, you know, there were words like, you know, excited and achievement and, just, well, I've, you know, I've done this and confidence. It was amazing just to see them be able to push through that, fear, but in a, a lovingly environment and having the cheer squad of, the other, attendees there supporting them through that for them just to realize that, wow, I can actually do this.

achieve something that felt [:

How many things in their life had they actually not done because of that fear that's kept them, playing small and they were able to take that real sense of accomplishment. and excitement with them after that to realize that once I've got the skill, because we don't want to push people into doing things that can be quite uncomfortable, especially looking at the way that it can impact the nervous system.

I think it was amazing that [:

Janine: you know, what you've said there is so many, I think, are tapping into the fear and it is keeping them small, keeping them small in how they're living life, how they're building their businesses, how they're challenging themselves to step forward into their future. And yet, as you say, If people learn how to embrace their extraordinary, remarkable shifts and things can happen.

as we sort of wrap this up, what's, what's your final advice to anyone listening to this podcast who may be feeling that fear? You may be going, yeah, Yeah,

I get, I'm supposed to embrace my extraordinary, or as you say Janine, unleash my brilliance. But really, this is how I'm feeling.

What's your message to those people that might still be in that place of fear, to give them a little bit of encouragement to go for it?

all extraordinary. And just [:

And if we were just to pause and really connect in with that extraordinariness that each and every one of us has, and just start to reframe that. And I've, I do this all the time now. And I when I'm feeling a little bit uncertain or challenged, I'll go, okay, I know that I'm an extra, an extraordinary person because I'm here.

So if I want to embrace that extraordinary, what is it that I can do? And really just being able to, to reframe that and know that I'm extraordinary and being able to step into that and just asking, you know, just taking that moment and going, okay, how can I move forward?


But just, yeah, that little reframe of knowing that we are, because we're here. Yeah.

Janine: Deirdre, that's such a beautiful way to end this conversation, giving everyone permission to realize, to own the fact that they already are because they're here. And so what's stopping them from becoming even more. Thank you. so much for sharing your smarts. I'll make sure I will include in the show notes, all your contact details, have an extraordinary day and I'm sure we will chat again.

Thank you so


Deidre: you. Thank you so much, Janine, for the opportunity.


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