April 4

Is Your Marketing Really Making an Impact?


If you’re like every single ambitious business owner that I know, you desire to make a significant impact in this world. You want to drive change, do something different and ensure the work that you’re doing matters. 

But how do you cut through the noise of the online space and make your business stand out? 

If you’re like many who are not seeing their content break through the way they want, it may be time to ask yourself: are you truly making an impact with purposeful content that brings value to people’s lives, or are you just adding to the noise? 

Today, I’m sharing secrets for cutting through the clutter and ensuring the message you put out into the world actually resonates with the right audience:

1. Define What Makes Your Business Brilliant

2. Understanding Your Ideal Clients

3. Own Who You Are and What You Do

Remember, at the end of the day, it’s not about making noise. It is about making an impact with everything that you do. So join me today and learn how to improve your content strategy one little step at a time and truly stand out as a thought leader in this crowded digital landscape.


Elevate with Janine

The Focus Finder Assessment

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Janine: [:

And yet sometimes it might feel like those messages that you're putting out there are drowning, that you're drowning in the noise. And we're going to explore the mistakes that we're making, and more importantly, what we should be doing to truly stand out and create lasting impact. Now you've heard me preach about the importance of visibility before, about the importance of sharing your voice and expertise to, to really let people know about the impact that you desire for them, for the community you work in, for the industry, for the planet.

u to think about is, are you [:

Are you actually adding to the noise? Or are you standing out? Now stick with me because in the next few minutes, what I want to do is unravel some of the secrets for cutting through that clutter, and ensuring that the message that you want to put out into the world actually resonates with the right audience.

And then it creates the action that you want, whether that be informing, whether that be game changing, whether that be challenging thinking, whether that be attracting more of your ideal clients into your world. But before we go there, let's, let's face it. social media is absolutely saturated with content, isn't it?

of impressions, for the, the [:

but most of it. Let's be honest, just fades into the background. It just fades into background noise. Now I want you to imagine now as a business owner, that's operating in this digital landscape. how do you ensure that your message, your voice, your business stands out? Well, the answer lies in being really smart about being commercially smart.

And I think it's really smart about how you are strategically posting and what the messages are that you're putting out there. Because what I'm seeing is people just randomly posting. It's like they have an idea and out it goes. And there's this, this mismatch of stuff out there that we think is getting its cut through, but really we're adding to the noise.

without strategy. And that's [:

how understanding, first up your brand position can help you not just make noise, but can truly make an impact. And then I'm gonna give you an idea. and some guidance on how to ensure that you're getting that standout out there through the content that you're sharing.

I wanna give you three actionable steps that will m ake sure that you're attracting those right clients and fostering sustainable growth. So first up, step one is take a moment to really reflect on what makes your business brilliant. know, what sets you apart from the competition?

ness operate from a place of [:

It could be that actually you are unreasonable about providing amazing service or unreasonable about connection or unreasonable about a quality product. I don't know, but find out. What sets your business apart? Because every single one of us has something that is unique to how we run our business. And if you truly want to attract the right clients into your world, they need to understand exactly what it is that you offer.

so take a moment or think, uh, this question through, maybe if you're walking and listening to this, or you're driving, I want you to take a moment to think about the five things that you want to be known for in business. What are those five things? What do you want to be known for in business?

if your [:

Is unique about you because you're already doing this stuff and you need to own it and you need to step into that brilliance so that you are differentiated out there in the marketplace. So that's step number one. Step number one is understand. What is unique about you? What is your competitive advantage?

I want you to really try and [:

What are their biggest fears? What are their biggest dreams? What are their, their things they're scared about? What is their biggest aspiration? What is the thing that's keeping them awake at night? What do they dream of? And I also say to my clients, think about what are the values that you want these A grade clients to have that ensures that it's aligned to how you want to work?

What are the values that they need to have that makes them them awesome, that turns them from being a client into one of your favorite clients of all time. So for example, when I think about the values in my business, what I look for in terms of alignment is clients that don't make excuses, that, that take ownership around doing the work that they need to do.

forward. They're not making [:

So this isn't about. clients are constantly niggling away on price for me. and it's also not about clients that are always questioning, questioning, questioning, or they think they have all the answers. You know, those clients that pay you for your expertise, but then they don't listen to your expertise.

So for me, there has to be an alignment in terms of a willingness to pay and a willingness to listen and trust their expertise. But Another one of my values, which is really important to me, which if you've read any of my books, won't come as a surprise, is I look for clients that are collaborative in spirit.

this is, [:

they understand that this is a zero sum game and that together we can all become better. so I really, really look for that collaborativeness of spirit when I'm exploring whether I want to work with a client or not, whether they're my perfect fit client or not. And the final one, which is a circuit breaker for me.

It is, it is the thing that turns me on or off the client is, are they fun to work with? Are these clients that if they were to turn up at my house, knock on the door, I'd go come in. Come and sit at my kitchen table. Come and meet my family. Yeah, sure. Let's have some fun. Are they those clients? Or are they those clients that I avoid answering the door to?

I put the phone down to. So [:

And I want you to. Take a moment to think about who those ideal clients are. What are the values? What are the top five values that they need to have for you to go? This is a perfect match. That these are your A grade clients, because these clients are the ones that you love. These are the clients are the ones that you love working with.

out them, the better you can [:

But here's the thing, right? I just, just a word of caution here. When I talk about tailoring your messaging to their needs, I'm not talking about changing your product to fit every single individual's needs. That's not what I'm talking about. We want to avoid that because if we're constantly creating new products, First up, your client is building your business.

And second up, you're at risk of creating a smorgasbord of product offering, which then means you're hard to buy. And you're very likely to be offering stuff to market that you really don't want to do. What I'm talking about here is really understanding the ins and outs of those A grade clients so that you can use these insights to help you.

out to market resonates, is [:

So the final step here is become the flamingo. You know, often the biggest risk to us standing out in the market, to us actually adding to the noise versus being the target. The impact or getting the cut through is we become a little bit beige, boring, and pedestrian. We start looking like everyone else and it's bleh, it's like, ugh, boring, yeah, let's keep flicking past, let's scroll to the, scroll past that, boring.

and what it is that you do. [:

All of them had come prepared with their keynotes. All of them practiced their keynotes in front of us on day one. Great. Actually, they weren't great. They were good. they could get up on stage, they could talk, they had a message. Yeah, okay, but here's the thing. How do you make sure that it isn't an okay message, but it becomes a standout memorable Meaningful message that has an impact on other people and during that up your speak again program training that we did over the two days we were coaching the cohort to really start owning their brilliance, their uniqueness, their authenticity, so that they could actually amplify themselves in their messaging.

it's the same here. It's the [:as the go to, as the expert [:

Now, if you're struggling to think about how to stand out, I want to remind you of something I said in the past, I've already said it and I'm going to say it again. You. are your competitive advantage. Because here's the thing, nobody thinks like you. Nobody has your perspective on the world.

Nobody has your IP. Nobody has your messaging. Your perspective, what it is that you want to say in here is what truly sets you apart from your competition. This is why I always recommend that you develop that IP first, develop that thinking, get really clear on what is your message.

y to be different. It's good [:

There are hundreds of coaches, hundreds of marketeers, hundreds of accountants, hundreds of lawyers, hundreds of us doing the same thing. There are hundreds of people out there that look like a flock of pigeons.

They all look the same. You got to stand out. You got to be the Flamingo. You've got to be that person who is different from first glance, who makes the impression, who stands head and shoulders above the rest. You've got to believe in yourself and be brave enough to share yourself because we want to work with you, who you are being.

ding the brand, in terms of, [:

Of strategy, of consistently and frequently ensuring that you are getting cut through in the marketplace. And if like many of my clients, I'm imagining that you might be tired of really complex posting schedules. so here's one thing I want you to focus on. I want you to focus on crafting engaging and purposeful content.

I'd rather you post less than more. I'd rather you post engaging and purposeful content than posting a whole heap of bland, boring content out there that's adding to the noise. With your brand position in mind, this is about creating content that speaks directly to your A grade. Clients, so those clients that you want to work with, it's about offering valuable insights.

It's about sharing [:

Because by offering meaningful content, you're going to build trust. You're going to establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. Every single one of us has got those defining moments. Every single one of us has got those times where things didn't go so great and we learned from it. And every single one of us has got those times where we did something that changed our world.

you. Because we want to get [:

Before we wrap up today's episode, I'd love you to share this episode with your community. And don't forget to tag me so that I can actually share some love back. Let's spread this brilliance and let's make sure we make those platforms interesting and impactful instead of a sea of beige and noise. I'd love you to leave a comment below with your key takeaways, or even share your experiences with applying these strategies.

because your insights might [:

Thank you for tuning in today to this episode of Unleashing Brilliance. Remember, you are absolutely capable of, creating the profound impact and change that you want to make. And your clients need you to be your uniquely brilliant self, and you deserve to be heard. go out there and unleash your brilliance.

Thank you for listening and I will see you next week.



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