March 14

Are You Getting in the Way of Your Success?


Are you getting in the way of your own success? If your business isn’t succeeding right now, it might be time to dig deep and ask yourself why. I know that for many business owners, things like economic uncertainty and the cost of living seem to be dealing a major blow. However, I believe there is one key thing that is an absolute business killer: inaction. 

It’s common for business owners to go into hiding when times get tough. But I believe now is the time to be heard, seen and readily available for business. So today I’m sharing with you practical strategies and mindset shifts to transform your business and drive tangible results. 

We’ll dive into the four key and actionable steps that your business needs you to take right now: 

1.  Position Yourself to Be Seen and Heard

2. Nurture Existing Relationships

3. Network with Intent

4. Double Down on Your Expertise

Remember, any little degree of action can create a shift in your momentum. It’s all about doing the work. So take some time to uncover how you can move out of inaction and take ownership of your business success!


Elevate with Janine

The Focus Finder Assessment

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Janine: [:Some people are [:

And I also see others blaming themselves, either out of fear, maybe it's lack of direction or lack of confidence. The reality is there's many reasons that could explain a lack of business success. but there's one that I see all the time that will absolutely lead to your business failure. And this one thing is inaction.

different right now, they're [:

So this is why I think right now is a great opportunity to find new business, to try new things, to experiment. I think right now is the time to do the work, to double down. Now is the time to be seen, to be heard. To be available for business, not to be hiding. So what can you do right now?

Well, I want to share with you four things that I've been talking to my clients about this week, and really encourage you to get curious about which of these you can put into your business right now. So first off, now you've heard me say this so many times, positioning, positioning. Positioning. If there is one thing that your business needs right now, your business success hinges on your ability to position yourself above the competition ahead of the competition.

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To the market, what it is that you do, what it is that you stand for and who it is that you help. So make sure you're positioning links to your IP and keep it up, increase the consistency and the frequency of you sharing what it is that you do out there in the marketplace, because positioning always matters and in times that are difficult, your positioning, you have to be seen and you have to be heard.

o imagine that you're having [:

What would you say to them right now? And an added tip here, don't overcomplicate your call to action. If the market is overwhelmed in all your communication, it's important that you make it really simple for them to take the next step. I want you to think about what your clients are saying right now.

What is their problem that they are facing? What is, what is the help that they need from you right now that you know you can give them? and give them that thing. So nurture always. Think about your clients. Think about those that love you and have a conversation with them and give them the thing that they need right now.

e written two bestsellers on [:

And you know, what I see when business is tough is people tend to get overwhelmed. I see people worrying. And I'm sitting in this place of being afraid and fearful in their business. They almost want to run and hide and they quit reaching out. They quit asking for help, hoping that someone's going to swoop in and rescue them.

But trust me, people who want to work with you, they are out there. They just haven't seen you yet. Or maybe they're also so overwhelmed. They're not even thinking of you. You're not in their important. People list, or they may not have met you right now. So too many businesses are, are waiting for customers to come to them instead of being proactive, instead of being intentional.

quitting, being silent. And [:

It's about connecting with people, having an outreach strategy. And instead of waiting for people to come to you, instead of waiting for the market to turn and suddenly your phone to stop ringing, this is about you proactively and intentionally reaching out and connecting with other people. Now, this isn't about becoming all hustle like and going into sales mode all the time.

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Because when we connect with intent, when we connect from a place of adding value, when we connect lightly, that is where the opportunity opens up. So here's what I want you to do. Think about if you reached out to two people every single day, every single day of the week and every single week of the month.

That's two people a day. That's 10 people a week. That's 40 people a month. If you reached out to them, that's 40 possible connections where you are, reaching out with the intention of connection versus the intention of selling. I absolutely know that you will get people responding back. People will say thank you.

what happens in this space, [:

I've done training on this stuff. This is where, um, I say to people put 10 minutes aside every single day. You're connecting and reaching out to two minutes, two people in those 10 minutes. And you are light touch networking. You are sending something that you may have previously written or read, or that someone else has written that you think will be of interest to them.

You may be simply reaching out and saying, hi, I've been thinking about you. How are you doing? You may be reaching out and saying, thank you for some previous business. It may be, you've got a podcast to share. It may be something that you've noticed in the marketplace that you want to bring to their attention.

at you're doing, or it could [:

Give it a go because it really is a numbers game and I want you to get into this habit of being seen, being available and creating the opportunity for people to respond to you and to reach out to you. Fundamentally, it's about stopping hiding. And finally, number four, it's about doubling down on your expertise. You've already done the hard work.

us, our mind buying into the [:

We want to start the day feeling positive. We want to start the day knowing that there is opportunity out there versus. starting the day from a place of darkness, from a place of fear, from a place of, Oh, this is too hard. So the way that I do it is when I start feeling challenged from a mindset perspective, I think about the stuff that is bringing me down.

Yes, it's TV. Yes, it could be certain podcasts. Yes. It's scrolling on social media. Yes. It could be stuff I'm reading. Yes it could be for people that I'm following that instead of making me feel energized and positive about the world and the day ahead of me, I start going into the world feeling a little bit grumpy. So instead of that Think about that first hour of the morning as being a morning of inspiration.

you, read a book that's been [:

Instead of like, brilliant done, tick off, I'm rushing off to my day. Take a further 10 minutes to write down what it is that you've learned. The impact that, that bit of inspiration has had in you and think about how you could do something with it today, what are you going to do with that hour of inspiration?

so that it changes and adds positivity into your day and really allow yourself to connect with those ideas so that you can see the brilliance that you are bringing to your clients in action. So here's the thing to summarize, as I said, when we sit in blame and in action, nothing ever changes when we take ownership, any action,

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And I want you to take a moment to think about the two people that you are going to reach out to today. And what are you going to reach out to them with? The second thing I want you to do is write down what you are going to share this week with your audience, with the people that are already following you, that further reinforces and builds your positioning in your particular industry.

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Because remember, Inaction is a business killer. It's a killer of goals and it's a killer of your dreams. Doing the work, doubling down, taking action and any action will create a shift in your momentum. I'd love to hear what resonated with you this week. please drop me a message. And if there's anyone in your world that you think would benefit from listening to this podcast, I'd really appreciate it.

If you can take a screenshot and send it to them. If you can share the link and by the way, if you do share anything from today on social media, make sure you tag me, uh, because I'd love to give you some love right back. Have a truly fabulous week and I'll be back next week.



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