September 30

Belief + Action + Resilience = Change


IMG_1796Last week I witnessed first hand the power of Margaret Mead’s words: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Last week a group of people came together for the purpose of making a difference – members of LBDGroup on behalf of First Seeds, mentors and trainers from Creel Price’s Club Kidpreneur program, community leaders, and the star performers; a group of girls willing to take a chance. Last week the combined action of these girls taking a chance on others, on themselves and on their ability created action and ultimately created change for them and their wider community. It was an amazing lesson for us all.

Just think about those words – taking a chance – and what it really means to you in your life and business.

Taking a chance can be scary and a vulnerable place to be but equally it can create amazing opportunity. Taking a chance can teach you new things – the good and the not so good – about yourself and the situation – but imagine if you had done nothing.

Taking a chance can absolutely take you out of your comfort zone.

I can promise you these girls were totally out of their comfort zones last week when tasked with working alongside complete strangers, taking stock of inventory, developing a business name, logo, product and price plan and marketing plan – and yet to witness the joy of achievement on Saturday when they put themselves on the line in the public eye selling their much loved products was inspiring and humbling.

Last week I saw resilience first hand when so many others would have slumped into oblivion. I saw dedicated action as a group of people quite simply got on with it. I witnessed first hand the important part each and every one of us plays in building the self belief of others – their ability to say ‘I can’, ‘I will’, ‘I am’.

We often talk about change being constant and an ongoing part of evolution in business, in society and in life. The question is, are you going to take a chance on being in control of you own change – taking action, believing you can and being resilient at all times?

As Ghandi said “be the change you wish to see in the world”.

Go on. Own it.

janine sig


Change, Club Kidpreneur, Creel Price, First Seeds Fund, Janine Garner, LBDG, Little Black Dress Group, Ownership, Warwick Farm

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