July 7

Are You Brave Enough to Ask For Help?



Ask for help - cheer squadA few weeks ago, I found myself sat in the shower, tears pouring down my face, as the realization hit that I was going to have to attempt to launch my new book, Be Brilliant, in the middle of a pandemic where the majority of us aren’t feeling that brilliant and traditional book retailing and marketing channels quite simply don’t exist. The thought of the 18 months of research and hard work, the endless (and lonely) early mornings and late nights of writing and the many missed functions with family, friends and my children because I had to meet a publisher’s deadline – all potentially going down the drain – it was heart-breaking and the emotion was very real. I needed to be brave enough to reach out and ask for help.

Later that day, I jumped on to a call with one of my inner circle, Shane Hatton – and wow did he give me a reality check. (ps check out his book Lead The Room

“Janine, you have to use your own IP, he said.

“What do you mean?, I responded.

“Your IP in your book, It’s Who You Know. You have to practice what you tell everyone else – you have to reach out to your network and ask for help,” he said.


But wait, it gets worse…

“But why would they want to help me, Shane?  What’s in it for them?”

“Seriously Janine, you have helped so many people over the years, you’ve given so much and impacted so many others.  Plus you talk about value exchange, well now is the time to see how this works”.  

Double duh, swiftly followed by facepalm and rapid berating of self.

The quest to be brave

So, I rose to Shane’s challenge, dug deep, recorded a video asking for help and with a significant amount of nerves and trepidation I pressed send and my vulnerability and fear was sent to the interwebs for all to see! (here’s the link to the LinkedIn post if you want to take a look)

The response was incredible! Hundreds of people from across 4 continents – many of which I didn’t know – came together, on one zoom call, to be part of the Be Brilliant ‘Cheer Squad’.

As Rachel Wotten, business, life coach and energy healer said, “Of course I’m in. Let’s together reimagine and reinvent a book launch”.

The result in the first week of recorded sales has blown me away. 

  • #6 globally in the self-improvement category
  • #2 in Australia in the self-improvement category
  • #14 globally in business books….

….and this is all because of the combined collaborative efforts of the Cheer Squad.  

This living and breathing experiment in the power of connecting and collaborating in the right way has been incredible and continues to inspire me to keep pushing forward. It has reminded me of what can be achieved when you have one clear goal and a collective energy to succeed. Of what can be achieved when you are brave enough to create the space to allow others to unleash their brilliance, to use their individual skill and ideas to achieve that goal. Check out the Cheer Squad 

We all need a personal cheer squad

During these times of uncertainty and challenge, of unknown and ongoing questioning, of complete and utter disruption to existing plans and strategies it’s not about hiding or playing safe.  It’s about embracing the power of a collective and shining brighter. 

Like so many over the last 5 months,  I had to dig deep to gain a new perspective, to ask the new questions, and to explore the new possibilities.  But equally, like so many, I couldn’t see the proverbial wood for the trees and needed someone else, someone who cared, to point out the obvious opportunity that was right in front of me.

Your personal Cheer Squad is closer than you think.  They’re already encouraging you to do more; they want you to succeed.  Open your eyes and ears because your Cheer Squad is right in front of you.  You simply have to be brave enough to reach out.

Until next week




Ps.  Huge thanks to my Cheer Squad for all you have done and all you are doing.  Forever grateful for your support, encouragement, and inspiration to be more brilliant….

Alison Flemming, Alison Hill, Amber Cerney, Andrew Dell, Andrew Horsfield, Anastasia Massouras, Annree Wogan, Asha Stabback, Athanasia Corso, Becca Saunders, Belinda Hapgood, Ben Fredericksen, Betty Preshaw, Cameron McCrane, Carly Chant, Carol Harper, Caroline Doonan-Slater, Cassandra Watts, Cathy Burke, Courtney Brown, Craig Strickman-Levitas, Cynthia Chung, Dana Gambrill, Daniel Munro, David Duguid, David Malizia, Edith Crnkovich, Ella Chang, Emma McDowell, Emma Kirkwood, Emma McQueen, Fiona Araujo, Gabriella Korosi, Gabrielle Dolan, Gareth Loneragan, Genevieve Richards, George Khoury, Hazel Smirlis, Jacqueline Nagle, Jacquie Scammell, Jason Garner, Jason Dean, Jean Adams, Jeff Demain, Jeff Schwisow, Jen Brown, Jenny Brockis, Jessica Hickman, Jo Saunders, Joanne Harris, Joanne Todd, Jo Muirhead, John Oulton, Joris Cuesta, Jules Eustance, Justine Henderson, Karen Lee Morrison, Kathryn Maggs, Katrina Piva, Kellie Penridge, Kelly Irving, Kelly Slessor, Kelly Lawson, Kerryn Powell, Kevin Morgan, Kieran Flanagan, Kara Atkinson, Krystal Serrano, Karen Godfrey, Kura Perkins, Kylie Holyland, Kylie Clarke, Laura Hamilton, Laura Affat, Laura Pearce, Leah Kitolah, Lesley Slater, Liane Gorman, Liz Hamlet, Maree McPherson, Mark Zimmerman, Martin Jomoa, Martin Brooker, Marti Cuatt, Melinda Hird, Michelle Rushton, Michelle Gregory, Michelle Sutherland, Michelle Hecker, Mike Hardie, Moshood Olakunle Ashiru, Nancy Luyckfassel, Nicolas Jenkinson, Nisha Rajamohan, Odelle Bell, Oluwaseun Ajila, Om Dhungel, Oscar Trimboli, Pascal Uerlings, Paula Kensington, Rachel Wotten, Rebecca Taylor, Renee Mitsis, Rhoda Miller-Birkby, Richard Jenkins, Robert Cameron, Rohan Dredge, Sadia Hajal, Sarah Pavillard, Saurabh Dayal Singh, Shane Hatton, Shaun Edsall, Sobia Asad, Steph Clarke, Susan Burns, Tom Howieson, Trenna Proberts, Ursula Hogben. Urszula Richards, Vicki McLean. Vicky Donnelly, Viyata Kirpalani, Yasmin London. Yu Dan Shi, Zeena Skelly, Zoe Routh.


be brilliant, brave, brilliance, cheer squad, Connection, help, networking, Self Leadership

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