October 10

Stop Waiting For The Perfect Time


Some of you may be aware that across my career I’ve written 3 best-selling books. But honestly, I didn’t have the fairytale story of becoming an author.

The day I pitched my first book deal, it was raining. I remember sitting on a step outside in Manly, umbrella in hand, talking to the publisher who had just agreed to hear my pitch. And trust me, it was not the “perfect” moment to make a career move.

But what I’ve been thinking about recently is that… 

There’s never a perfect time.

A few months earlier, my mentor had challenged me to write a book. I honestly thought they couldn’t be serious, I had stopped taking English classes at 16! 

But they believed in me and introduced me to a publisher. And when it came time for that first phone call I was sitting outside, rain pouring down, pitching the idea for what would become my first book, From Me to We.

To my surprise and excitement, she loved it! And just like that, she sent me a document to write my formal pitch. 

A few weeks later, I received the official offer. 

The book was being picked up, but here’s the kicker – I had three weeks to write and submit a full manuscript.

Three weeks! I remember thinking, “Can I really do this?” I was asked the same question: Can you write this book in time? (once again 3 weeks to write a manuscript was less than ideal conditions).

Absolutely, I said. There was no way I was going to let this opportunity pass me by.

And here’s the photo of the moment I got the YES.

I had no idea how I’d get it done. But I knew one thing: I was not going to let this slip through my fingers.

So, I reached out for support. I dug into all the thinking and research I’d done. And then? I just went for it. I wrote the damn book. If I was being totally honest, I wasn’t “ready” but now was the time to take the opportunity even if the conditions weren’t perfect.

Because if we keep saying “no” while waiting for the perfect moment, life will pass you by and all you will have done in that time is stand still, waiting. 

Whether you are writing a book or not there are 3 lessons I learned from sitting in the cold and the rain on those steps making decisions that drastically altered my career trajectory. 

  1. Say yes and figure out how later
    Sometimes, you won’t feel “ready.” The conditions won’t be perfect. Say yes anyway. You’ll figure it out. I had no idea how I’d finish that manuscript, but I knew I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity.
  2. Call in for help
    You don’t have to go it alone. I reached out to my network, tapped into the wisdom and support of those around me, and got the guidance I needed to make it happen. Who can help you get to where you want to go? Ask.
  3. Just go for it.
    Once you’ve committed, go all in. Double down on what needs to be done. There will always be distractions, other demands, and a million reasons to slow down; but if you keep your focus and take action, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

So if you’ve found yourself stuck in the waiting room right now, hoping for a magical moment where everything falls into place, please remember…

There’s no perfect time to make your move. The only thing you need to do is start.

So what opportunities do you have sitting on the table right now that you could seize with both hands and run with? 

Janine x


Blog, business mentor, Courage, From Me To We, Janine Garner, women in business

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Stop Waiting For The Perfect Time

Stop Waiting For The Perfect Time
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