May 23

10 Actions To Propel Your Business

Propel your businessI’ve been having a lot of conversations over the last few weeks with clients who are feeling overwhelmed and stretched in multiple directions in their businesses. This is such a common problem, where despite our best efforts, we find ourselves in a whirlwind of busyness. And keeping busy doesn’t necessarily move the dial forward.

I’m going to share with you 10 actions to propel your business forward so that you can let go of unproductive tasks and double down on activities that will take your business to new heights. But first, we need to uncover the underlying habits that get in the way of being truly productive. 

Understanding the Problem

There are many routines and habits in business that masquerade as productivity. While they appear to be of value, they can actually hinder your business growth by draining your time, energy and sometimes even money. Take a moment to reflect on whether you’re guilty of any of these habits:

  1. Excessive Email Checking: You’re constantly glued to your inbox, sacrificing valuable time that could be better spent elsewhere.
  2. Aimless Catch-Up Meetings: You’re attending endless coffee catch-ups and networking events without having any clear agendas.
  3. Inbox-Zero Fixation: You’re obsessed with achieving inbox zero on a daily or weekly basis, which makes it difficult to focus on tasks that are actually productive to your business. 
  4. Mindless Social Media Scrolling: You’re spending excessive time on social media, using it as a productivity drain rather than an intentional marketing tool. 
  5. Non-Revenue Generating Administration: You’re allowing your admin tasks to take over your calendar, rather than allocating specific times to complete them. 
  6. Perfectionism Paralysis: You’re constantly tweaking your products and offerings, which prevents you from launching the very thing you need to launch.
  7. Posting on Social Media Without a Strategy: You’re sharing content without a clear strategy, which only adds to the noise and fails to align with your business objectives.
  8. Endless Reworking of Proposals and Content: You’re writing new proposals each time or endlessly refining your content instead of taking action and moving forward. 
  9. Over Planning Without Execution: You’re setting many targets without actually following through or committing to them. 
  10. Attending Events Out of FOMO: You’re attending many events or joining various programs out of fear of missing out, rather than as a strategic imperative to your business. 

Solutions to Take Control and Unleash Your Business’s Potential

If you’re guilty of any of the unhelpful habits listed above, there’s no need to beat yourself up. There are 10 actions to propel your business that you can take to regain control and make the most of your valuable time: 

  1. Set Clear Daily Goals and Objectives: Begin each day with intention, focusing on tasks that make a tangible impact on your business.
  2. Proactive Lead Generation: Make lead generation a daily habit to maintain a steady flow of potential clients and opportunities.
  3. Engage in Light Touch Networking: Dedicate 10 minutes daily to foster connections and build relationships without expecting immediate returns.
  4. Build Your Positioning Through Strategic Content: Share valuable content that showcases your expertise, credibility and attracts your target audience.
  5. Delegate Low-Value Tasks: Identify tasks that others can handle effectively, freeing up your time for high-value activities.
  6. Embrace Continuous Process Improvements: Streamline repetitive tasks, optimise workflows and increase efficiency to focus on meaningful work.
  7. Obsess About Your Client’s Experience: Constantly evaluate and enhance client experiences, exceeding expectations for transformational interactions.
  8. Allocate Time for Innovation and Creativity: Set aside dedicated time for brainstorming, exploring new ideas and staying ahead of industry trends.
  9. Invest in Learning and Mastery: Commit to ongoing education and skill development in your area of expertise to position yourself as a leader.
  10. Network and Build Intentional Relationships: Seek meaningful connections that support your growth, challenge your thinking, and align with your business objectives.

Shift Your Focus

It’s time to flip your energy away from the shiny stuff and on to the 10 productive strategies that will enable you to focus on what matters most. As women in business, we have the opportunity to shape and empower our businesses in whatever way we want. However, creating meaningful change requires you to prioritise the actions that will truly move you forward. So, what strategies will you put in place to propel your business forward today? 

If you’d like a little bit more direction and narrow it down to 3 things you need to be doing every day to sustainably grow your business then I have a free Masterclass coming up later this month and registrations are opening tomorrow! So if you want to secure your spot early, comment below with the word “MASTERCLASS” and I’ll get you all the info. 


Fixation, Janine Garner, Over Planning, overwhelmed, Problem, Propel Your Business, Stretched

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