January 29

3 things you must deliver in a sales meeting


Struggling to turn promising leads into solid sales? You’re not alone. 

I recently sat down with my inner circle community to discuss this problem and our conclusion was clear. Whether you’re running a million dollar business, or pitching your very first offer, we’re all struggling with the same roadblocks. 

Clients ghost you, decision times get dragged out, budgets are ever changing  and despite your best efforts, you’re left wondering “ what am I doing wrong?”

Today I’m going to answer that question and share three key steps you can take to get the results you’re after. 

Delivering Value

First and foremost, you must deliver value by positioning yourself where your clients stand. Too often, we make assumptions about our client’s challenges. What if instead, you walked into that meeting with a crystal-clear understanding of their immediate struggles? Prepare by considering what keeps them up at night. Reflect on conversations you’ve had, and come into the meeting ready to engage with their concerns. This shows empathy and an understanding that is more than superficial.

I remember working with a client who was  struggling to generate leads. Instead of overwhelming them with complex strategies, I simply asked, “What’s the one thing that’s keeping you up at night?”

Delivering Results

Once you’ve built that trust, it’s crucial to prove your ability to deliver results. This is where your mastery — your “magic pills” — comes into play. These aren’t elaborate schemes, but rather the small, effective tools you wield instinctively. They might be quick tips, frameworks, or resources that create instant results for your clients.

For example, my “spinning plates exercise” provides clarity for clients feeling overwhelmed. It’s a simple tool that helps them prioritise their work, relationships, and self-care, with easily actionable steps. Whatever they looks like for you, these quick wins not only showcase your value but also instil confidence in your potential partners.

Delivering Confidence

Finally, we must empower our clients. Many clients are hesitant, questioning their decision-making capabilities or their ability to implement solutions. Your job is to replace doubt with confidence, showing them the path forward. Share relevant success stories, but make it personal. Show them, “Here’s what we can achieve for you.”

Clarity breeds confidence, so break down the journey into manageable steps, offering small actionable ideas that inspire momentum. Speak to their hesitations and reassure them that you’re not just providing a service but partnering with them in their journey to success.

 Remember, these aren’t just “sales tactics”. By delivering value, results, and confidence, you transform from being just another salesperson to a trusted partner in your client’s success.

Now I’d love to hear from you. 

What’s one magic pill you’ve shared that left your client thinking, “Wow”? Drop me a message, or share your story on social media

Until next time, take care! 

Submit your Question: Spotify – click the button below. All other platforms – send me a DM on Instagram or email: [email protected]

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